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POSTPONED - NYC - The Abbott Touch: George Abbott and the Making of the American Musical


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POSTPONED - NYC - The Abbott Touch: George Abbott and the Making of the American Musical

  • Kaufmann Concert Hall (map)

George Abbott was one of the last of the theater impresarios who served as both director and producer.

His creative touch on stage and off and his incredibly prolific output during the 1940s and 50s resulted in Broadway hit after Broadway hit. It also led to a collaborative partnership with a promising young protégé—Hal Prince—giving us back-to-back Tony Award-winning smashes in The Pajama Game and Damn YankeesLyrics & Lyricists favorite David Loud takes us through the legacy of this Broadway giant and shares the inside stories of the golden age.

David Loud, artistic director, writer, arranger & host
Noah Racey, director


Kate Baldwin
Liz Callaway
James Clow
CJ Eldred
Matthew Scott
Heidi Blickenstaff
DeWitt Fleming, Jr.

Paul Masse, piano
Justin Vance, woodwinds
Robert Zubrycki, violin
Sara Seiver, cello
Bill Ellison, bass
Bruce Doctor, percussion