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POSTPONED - Palm Desert, CA - One Night Only: The Way We Were: Songs of the 70's


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POSTPONED - Palm Desert, CA - One Night Only: The Way We Were: Songs of the 70's

Michael Childers’ presents One Night Only benefitting the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center. “The Way We Were: Songs of the ’70’s” features the best of Broadway and pop music from that era. With Direction & Choreography by Scott Coulter and Music Direction by Todd Schroeder, the cast features the best of Broadway and Hollywood performers. All performers donate their time and their appearance is subject to availability. The cast includes Lucie Arnaz, John Barrowman, Klea Blackhurst, Debby Boone, Carole J. Bufford, David Burnham, Liz Callaway, Laura Dickinson, Julie Garnyé,  Anita Gillette, Jason Graae, Sam Harris, Blaine Krauss, Liisi LaFontaine, Aaron Lazar, Amanda McBroom, Donna McKechnie, Ken Page, Freda Payne, Faith Prince, Ron Raines, Joan Ryan, Jake Simpson, Von Smith, Kevin Spirtas, Nita Whitaker, and Karen Ziemba. A limited number of VIP tickets are available through the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center at (760) 773-1636 for $495 each and include after theatre party with the cast.