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NYC - Everybody Rise: A Resistance Cabaret


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NYC - Everybody Rise: A Resistance Cabaret

Due to popular demand, Birdland Theater is proud to announce more performances of “Everybody Rise! A Resistance Cabaret.” This evening of classic show tunes, all lethally revised for the age of Trump, stars an impressive array of musical theater dynamos, including Taylor Crousore, Daisy Hobbs, Michael Kostroff, Christine Pedi, Dylan Thompson and Nick Wyman under the musical direction of Matthew Martin Ward. They’ll be joined at each performance by two Special Guest Stars, among them Bryan Batt, Liz Callaway, Jason Robert Brown, Katie Finneran, Ann Harada, Brad Oscar and Chip Zien. (Check Birdland’s website closer to dates for exact appearance schedule.)

“Everybody Rise!” springs from the fiendish mind of Joe Keenan, an Emmy, Kleban, and Thurber-Award winning novelist (Blue Heaven, My Lucky Star), lyricist, playwright, and TV writer (Frasier). As the fateful 2020 election approaches, Keenan’s brilliantly funny songs are both the call to arms and the hilarious antidote to despair we need to survive today’s news and change tomorrow’s.

“Everybody Rise: A Resistance Cabaret”
September 20 and 21 at 9:45pm, September 24 and October 1 at 7pm
Birdland Theater, 315 West 44 Street, NYC
$30 cover, $10 food/drink minimum or 212-581-3080