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NYC - Marin Mazzie’s Sunflower Power Hour - Benefit for Cancer Support Community


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NYC - Marin Mazzie’s Sunflower Power Hour - Benefit for Cancer Support Community

  • Feinstein's/54 Below (map)

Jason Danieley hosts an evening of uplifting performances by some of Broadway’s brightest stars as they pay tribute to Marin Mazzie’s achievements and advocacy. Proceeds will benefit the Cancer Support Community (CSC). CSC is a global nonprofit that provides $50 million in free support and navigation services for patients and their loved ones each year.

One September 13, 2018, the Broadway legend passed away from ovarian cancer. A powerhouse performer and fierce patient advocate, Marin served as a CSC Champion. “Marin was deeply committed to using her platform to shed light on the multitude of challenges facing people living with cancer diagnosis,” Jason said. “Marin and I became CSC Champions because we strongly believed in its mission to help all people impacted by cancer by providing free services to cancer patients and their loved ones. Like Marin, this benefit will uplift, inspire, and empower.”

In addition to Jason, the following performers will also be a part of the tribute to Marin*:
Liz Callaway
Victor Garber
Howard McGillin

Debra Monk
David Hyde Pierce

Karen Ziemba

Those unable to attend the benefit concert can honor Marin’s legacy by making a donation to CSC. As a special thank you, a gift of $25 or more will receive a limited-edition sunflower power wrist band in memory of the actress’s love of sunflowers which were an inspiration to her during her treatment.

To learn more about CSC, please visit

All tickets include a three-course prix fixe, Wine, Beer, and Soda.

*Please note that all performances are subject to change at any time.

Earlier Event: September 21
Los Angeles, CA - Concert for America
Later Event: September 24
NYC - Everybody Rise: A Resistance Cabaret