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NYC - The Wizard and I: Liz Callaway Sings Stephen Schwartz


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NYC - The Wizard and I: Liz Callaway Sings Stephen Schwartz

  • 54 Below 254 West 54th Street New York, NY, 10019 United States (map)

Long an interpreter of the songs of Stephen Schwartz, Emmy winner and Tony® and Grammy nominee Liz Callaway turns her attention to the songwriter with her new show, The Wizard and I: Liz Callaway Sings Stephen Schwartz. Featuring songs from an extraordinary career that has spanned nearly 60-years (and in every form of media), as well as a brand new song, Liz honors Stephen in her signature way, pairing his iconic songs with tales of their lifelong professional relationship and friendship. Featuring Academy Award and Grammy-winning tunes from Wicked, Godspell, Pippin, The Baker’s Wife, and more, The Wizard and I is a personal celebration of the man who made a witch take flight and gave a bird sight.

Musical direction by Alex Rybeck.

Joined by:

Ritt Henn on bass
Alex Rybeck 
on piano
Ron Tierno on drums