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To Steve With Love: Liz Callaway Celebrates Sondheim [CD]


To Steve With Love: Liz Callaway Celebrates Sondheim [CD]


To Steve With Love: Liz Callaway Celebrates Sondheim [CD]

from $17.95

2024 Grammy® Award Nominee - Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album

Emmy winner, and Tony and Grammy nominee, Liz Callaway's career has always been entwined with the work of Stephen Sondheim. Her new album, "To Steve With Love: Liz Callaway Celebrates Sondheim" is a deeply personal examination of the man who changed the landscape of musical theatre, and how it changed the life of the performer. Recorded live at the famed nightclub 54 Below, "To Steve With Love" is filled with humor, nostalgia and stories of working with the Sondheim, in her critically acclaimed show that BroadwayWorld called “the most important Sondheim show right now, and it is the one that can not be missed."

The CD includes a 16 page booklet, with essays by Liz Callaway and Scott Simon (NPR).

Release Date: November 11, 2022

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