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There's Still My Joy [Single MP3]


There's Still My Joy [Single MP3]


There's Still My Joy [Single MP3]


Originally planned for her pandemic holiday album “Comfort & Joy – An Acoustic Christmas”, Emmy Award winner and Grammy and Tony nominee Liz Callaway re-teams with guitarist Peter Calo to record the song written by Grammy Award-winner Melissa Manchester, CMA winner and Grammy-nominee Beth Nielson Chapman and Grammy Award-winner Matthew Rollings. In 2020, Callaway turned to social media for suggestions for her holiday album. Manchester suggested this song, which was short-listed, but the duo ran out of time to record. Of the song, Manchester says “What I know is true is that the heart of ‘There’s Still My Joy’ speaks to times such as these.” Callaway echoes that sentiment, stating “After the events of the last few weeks, the song kept going through my mind, and I decided I want to record it – I think it’s the perfect song for the moment. I think of it as a perfect post-script to Comfort & Joy.”

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