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Liz Callaway: The Story Goes On [MP3]

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Liz Callaway: The Story Goes On [MP3]


Emmy winner, and Tony and Grammy nominee, Liz Callaway (most famous for her five-year stint as Grizabella in Cats on Broadway in the late '90s) fills her second solo album with lesser-known tunes, a number of them covering moments in her career. Her lovely soprano can break your heart with the ballad "Since You Stayed Here" then thrill you with the showstopper "The Story Goes On" from Baby (which earned her a Tony nomination). The emotional heart of the album is "Meadowlark," Stephen Schwartz's wondrous tale of risk and heartbreak that proves a particularly glorious marriage with Callaway's voice. In a savvy bit of programming, that peak is followed by the deliciously langorous "Sleepy Man." Callaway's sister, jazz/cabaret singer Ann Hampton Callaway, makes a guest appearance in Stephen Sondheim's powerful "Our Time," a teaser of the sisters' live collaboration. Of Varese Sarabande's many albums spotlighting Broadway singers, The Story Goes On is one of their absolute best. --David Horiuchi

PLEASE NOTE: This is only the 14-track original release.

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