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Comfort and Joy - An Acoustic Christmas [MP3]


Comfort and Joy - An Acoustic Christmas [MP3]


Emmy winner, and Tony and Grammy nominee, Liz Callaway follows up her acclaimed “Merry & Bright” holiday EP with an all-new album of holiday songs. Joining forces with guitarist Peter Calo,  “Comfort and Joy – An Acoustic Christmas” gives a coffeehouse shine to ten holiday songs ranging from traditional carols to newer Christmas classics (including songs written by Sara Bareilles and  her sister Ann Hampton Callaway), and featuring a guest vocal from Grammy nominee Jann Klose, “Comfort and Joy – An Acoustic Christmas” is like a warm hug from an old friend.

Track listing:

  1. Merry Christmas Darling

  2. Hard Candy Christmas

  3. Walking in the Air (Theme from The Snowman) [featuring Jann Klose]

  4. God Bless My Family

  5. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen / Carol of the Bells

  6. Love is Christmas

  7. Christmas Eve (Could Not Ask for More)

  8. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

  9. O Holy Night

  10. Christmas Time is Here

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