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Be a Lion [Single MP3]


Be a Lion [Single MP3]


“Be a Lion” from the hit Broadway musicalThe Wiz by Charlie Smalls has been a staple of Emmy winner, and Tony and Grammy nominee, Liz Callaway’s career since she first began in show business. In fact, it was the audition song that booked her Broadway debut in Stephen Sondheim’s Merrily We Roll Along, as well as her starring role in Baby. When Liz was recording material for her album “The Essential Liz Callaway” a few years ago at The Metropolitan Room, she included the song in her set. Ultimately it went unreleased... until now. “I’ve always turned to this song when I was feeling unsure about myself. Now, with the upheaval in the world, I hope it inspires the listener as much as it has inspired me all these years.” The single features Alex Rybeck on piano, Jered Egan on bass, and Ron Tierno on drums.

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