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Rohnert, CA – Cinnabar Theatre Fundraiser


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Rohnert, CA – Cinnabar Theatre Fundraiser

  • Doubletree Rohnert Park One Doubletree Drive Rohnert Park, CA, 94928 United States (map)

Cinnabar Theater’s Annual Broadway Bash Returns with “Hard Hats & High Notes” featuring Broadway Star Liz Callaway

Cinnabar Theater, under the leadership of Artistic Director Nathan Cummings and Executive Director Diane Dragone, proudly presents its annual fundraiser, The Broadway Bash: Hard Hats & High Notes, on Saturday, May 3, 2025. This year’s gala, celebrating Cinnabar’s year on the road while building its new venue, will take place at the DoubleTree Hotel in Rohnert Park.

The evening will feature an unforgettable performance by Tony and Grammy nominee Liz Callaway, known for her roles in Broadway’s Cats, Baby, Miss Saigon, and as the singing voice of Anastasia in the animated film of the same name, and Princess Jasmine in Disney’s Aladdin sequels.