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NYC – Save the West Bank Café Gala


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NYC – Save the West Bank Café Gala

  • Laurie Beechman Theatre 407 West 42nd Street New York, NY, 10036 United States (map)

During the height of the pandemic and facing eviction, the community rallied and pulled off a miraculous fundraising effort to save the iconic West Bank Cafe and Laurie Beechman Theatre.  Despite the initial success, WBC was later denied critical government grants like the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) and the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG), leaving them once again on the brink of closure.  But now, we have exciting news: their landlords, Related, are working with them! With a more favorable lease in place, and exciting revitalization plans, if we can raise 1M before the end of the year West Bank Cafe will not only survive, but THRIVE!​

Now, we invite you to join producers Tom D'Angora and Michael D'Angora, composer Joe Iconis, and actor Tim Guinee in rallying our community once more to support owners Steve Olsen and Janet Momjian.