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Playbill’s Broadway on the Mediterranean Cruise


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Playbill’s Broadway on the Mediterranean Cruise

Join Playbill Travel and Broadway’s brightest stars as we cruise through the Mediterranean Sea on the spectacular Silversea luxury ship Silver Dawn, beginning in Rome and ending in Barcelona. The journey will boast a multitude of events for Broadway and travel aficionados, plus a huge assortment of stars assembled by Playbill Travel for the voyage.

Before embarking, guests can travel through Italy’s capital while exploring historic landmarks and indulging in fine Italian fare.

After departing Rome, we will sail to Sorrento, Taormina, Valletta, Palma De Mallorca, and Valencia, before concluding our journey in Barcelona. Guests will be charmed by seaside cafes featuring outstanding local cuisine, wowed by UNESCO-approved cultural and historical sites, revel at incredible art, and spend plenty of time shopping.

As on every Playbill cruise, after a day of specially-curated excursions, you will be treated to world-class nightly concerts and talkbacks starring the finest Broadway talent, hand-picked by Playbill. Please join us on the crystal blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea for what we know will be a wonderful adventure.