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Saratoga Springs, NY - Broadway the Calla-way! with Ann Hampton Callaway


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Saratoga Springs, NY - Broadway the Calla-way! with Ann Hampton Callaway

  • The Mansion of Saratoga 801 New York 29 Rock City Falls, NY, 12863 United States (map)

In a showstopper concert season, there is no question that one of the highlights will be a two-night performance by The Tony Award®-nominated Callaway Sisters bringing their new show Broadway the Calla-way! to the Mansion stage. Liz and Ann Hampton Callaway will raise the roof with music by Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim, Jerry Herman, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Marvin Hamlisch, Stephen Schwartz, Kander & Ebb, and more. Accompanied by Alex Rybeck, as Ann’s sultry, jazz-flavored sound compliments Liz’s clear bell tones, expect a rousing summer night of harmony, humor, and the soaring sounds of the greatest songs of Broadway!