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Palm Desert, CA - ONE NIGHT ONLY


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Palm Desert, CA - ONE NIGHT ONLY

  • McCallum Theatre 73000 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert, CA, 92260 United States (map)

Michael Childer's presents One Night Only benefitting the Barbara Sinatra Children's Center. In this year's show, One Night Only Broadway Showstoppers, twenty Broadway and Hollywood performers will come together for an evening of all your favorite songs from the greatest musicals. With Direction & Choreography by Larry Fuller and Music Direction by Christopher Marlowe, the cast features the best of Broadway and Hollywood performers. All performers donate their time and their appearance is subject to availability. The cast includes Loni Ackerman, Christine Andreas, Lucie Arnaz, Brent Barrett, John Barrowman, Ann Hampton Callaway, Liz Callaway, Scott Coulter, Davis Gaines, Alix Korey, Liisi LaFontaine, Sean McDermott, Anna Mintzer, Valerie Perri, Valarie Pettiford, Rena Strober, Nita Whitaker and Lisa Vroman.  A limited number of VIP tickets are available through the Barbara Sinatra Children's Center at (760) 773-1636 for $495 each and include after theatre party with the cast.