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New York City - Everybody Rise: A Resistance Cabaret


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New York City - Everybody Rise: A Resistance Cabaret

The Broadway at Birdland concert series is proud to announce a concert reading of “Everybody Rise: A Resistance Cabaret,” written by Emmy-winner Joe Keenan. A bevy of theatrical luminaries will star, including Brad Oscar, Chip Zien, Richard Kind, Kristine Mengelkoch, Taylor Crousore, and Christine Pedi.

“Everybody Rise! A Resistance Cabaret” is an evening of classic show tunes all lethally rewritten for the age of Trump. This hilarious bouquet of parodies springs from the fiendish mind of Joe Keenan, an Emmy-winning “Frasier” writer and novelist (Blue Heaven, My Lucky Star). The midterms brought us a Blue Wave, and we’ll celebrate with laughter, fresh hope, and a raft of great show tunes you’ll never hear the same way again.

Joe Keenan is a writer, producer, playwright, and lyricist. He is a five time Emmy-winner for his work on NBC's hit comedy series “Frasier.” He is also the author of the novels Blue Heaven and Putting on the Ritz. He lives in Studio City, CA.

“Everybody Rise: A Resistance Cabaret”

Monday, April 1 at 7pm

Birdland, 315 West 44 Street, NYC

$30 cover, $10 food/drink minimum