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New  York City - Double Standards


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New York City - Double Standards

  • Town Hall 123 West 43rd Street New York, NY, 10036 United States (map)

Sara Bareilles, Rosie O'Donnell, and Ingrid Michaelson, join female stars of Broadway, Music and Comedy in DOUBLE STANDARDS, a One-Night-Only big band Jazz concert benefiting women's rights, health, and empowerment. 100% of proceeds benefit the ACLU, National Breast Cancer Coalition, and Planned Parenthood NY. Starring: Annaleigh Ashford, Laura Bell Bundy, Denee Benton, Liz Callaway, Deborah S. Craig, Eden Espinosa, Ana Gasteyer, Lena Hall, Linda Hart, Cady Huffman, Morgan James, Leslie Kritzer, Judy Kuhn, Lesli Margherita, Jessie Meuller, Orfeh, Adrienne Warren, and more!